Due to compulsory Christianity in many homes in the USA, Europe, and in many other countries worldwide, most of us come from Christian backgrounds.
Remember, once you make a commitment to Satan, you
enter a new life. The past is dead. Don't dwell on
your former experiences with past teachings and
so-called “religions.” Forget them. Satan accepts you, and he
understands. Some people feel because they come from
a Christian, even fundamentalist background, or were involved in
enemy activities where they blasphemed Satan, that he is angry
with them. The most important point here is with
Satan, we realize our past error and come to him of
our own free will; free from any coercion. We renounce our past, the enemy god and everything connected with him. We renew our lives through Satan. The past is dead- PERIOD.
Another point is often, people expect drastic changes
immediately following a commitment ritual to Satan. This does
not usually happen. When I did mine several years
back, I didn't know what to expect. I expected
nothing. I had little to go on and no support or
direction whatsoever. I found within two months, Father Satan
blessed me with something nice that I did not
expect. Be patient. We are all individuals and he
rewards us in different ways. Most of these will be
subtle to begin with, but over time, you will see
where your life has really improved. Those who have no
expectations and just go on about their lives will
find themselves pleasantly surprised.
All of us get sick or experience problems at times.
Everyone has his/her Saturn so to speak.
Father Satan looks out for us and gives us the strength and
his support to make it through rough times. The longer
you are with Satan, the stronger you will become.
I would also like to comment on
impatience. Many, especially teens are very hard on
themselves and are too self-critical. Becoming an adept
does not happen overnight, nor does it happen in a few
months. Improvement can be seen when one works on
this, but with working a Ouija Board, divining the
future or with spirit communication, this takes time. It
has taken me over 25 years to master astrology [and I am still learning] and
some other disciplines, although I was an atheist for
many years and less than committed. Be patient with
In closing, the planets are really bad concerning
world affairs. I strongly encourage everyone to
empower yourselves NOW, DO NOT WAIT! Your aura will
protect you. Remember, we are NOT those who are
without. Don't put this off or wait. Do the opening of the soul
exercises and empower your aura/chakras. This builds
when done every day and can save you where others
fall into lethal circumstances. Always remember, the soul you save is your own and you do this through power meditation, which is spiritual. The transiting planets and Satan’s revelations to those of
us who are very close to him have been getting are
indeed ominous.
-High Priestess Maxine Dietrich
I received a personal e-mail today that brought up
several important issues that I feel need to be
addressed to everyone.